
Word list

48 views 28/08/2017 08/01/2018 2

Many of these words may be written differently by others, this is just how we choose to use them. Check back often, the list will be updated regularly.

  • add-on (noun, adjective), add on (verb)
  • back end (noun), back-end (adjective)
  • beta
  • checkbox (never tickbox)
  • co-worker
  • double-click
  • drop down
  • e-commerce (the industry)
  • ePub
  • email (never hyphenate, never capitalise unless it begins a sentence)
    • To name
    • From name
    • Reply-to name
    • Subject line
    • Cc, Bcc
  • emoji (singular and plural)
  • front end (noun), front-end (adjective)
  • geolocation
  • hashtag
  • homepage
  • integrate
  • internet (never capitalise unless it begins a sentence)
  • login (noun, adjective), log in (verb)
  • OK (but it’s OK to write ‘okay’)
  • on-boarding
  • online (never capitalise unless it begins a sentence)
  • opt-in (noun, adjective), opt in (verb)
  • pop-up (noun, adjective), pop up (verb)
  • pre-bill
  • set up (verb) setup (noun, adjective)
  • sign up
  • sync
  • to-do
  • tweet, retweet
  • username
  • URL
  • website
  • WiFi

Words to avoid

  • automagical
  • funnel, incentivise, leverage, disruption, thought leader, paradigm shift, or other fluffy corporate terms
  • internets, interwebs, or any other variation of the word “internet”
  • ninja, rockstar, wizard, guru, Jedi, or unicorn (unless referring to a literal ninja, rockstar, wizard, guru, Jedi, or unicorn)
  • young, old, elderly, or any other word describing a person’s age
  • crushing it, smashing it, killing it
  • crazy, insane or similar words to describe people

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